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Over the course of history, thousands of civilizations developed all around the world, some thriving and emerging as empires, and others declining and fading from memory. They left behind many legacies, such as cultural traditions and political systems; however, their greatest contributions were their inventions. They allowed the civilizations to grow and advance, eventually progressing to become what our society is today. Nearly all modern day inventions have roots dating back to early civilizations, such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Rome. Ancient inventions had a powerful and undisputable impact on the modern world, as they stimulated progress in past civilizations, resulting in technological advancement overtime to become sophisticated and essential to our needs.

Argument #1 – Mesopotamia


Ancient Mesopotamia is one of the earliest civilizations to emerge, dating back to 3100 BCE. Its people, the Sumerians, are credited with the invention of some of the most important human creations, such as the first form of writing, the wheel, and various aspects of mathematics. Being such an early civilization, these inventions were fairly basic, and were greatly improved over the next two thousand years, to become indispensable to the people of today.

Point #1 - Cuneiform

For instance, the first form of writing was invented in Ancient Mesopotamia, which revolutionized the world of communication. With the use of a stylus, the Sumerians made wedge-shaped marks on wet clay tablets [13], recording everything from household goods, to which kings were in power [16]. This form of writing was called ‘cuneiform’. Most information known to us about that time period came from cuneiform tablets [15], and even after the d...

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... an extremely important concept, used not only by accountants, engineers, and contractors, but also by regular people. Without the fundaments discovered in Ancient Mesopotamia, our society would not be as well developed in the field of mathematics, which would in turn affect the progress of various fields of science and construction.


The impact of Mesopotamian inventions on the modern world can be clearly seen through the influence their technology had on subsequent civilizations. Each invention was revolutionary, and became even more so after being further studied by civilizations like Egypt and Greece. After thousands of years of progress, these inventions are not only still used, but have become necessities. Despite being one of the first civilizations to emerge, Ancient Mesopotamia and its technology had a profound impact on the rest of the world.

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