Introducing Object Oriented Programming Paradigm Into the Process of Learning English to Gain Learning Efficiency

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INTRODUCTION UNIVERSE IS MADE OF OBJECTS So, we say, the reality in this universe (and, probably others) relies upon the notion of objects: from this universe that serves as a container of all objects it is made of, down to the elementary particles – basic object constituents of all matter: quarks and electrons. Between those extremes, we can encounter a myriad of various object types: from the clusters of to particular galaxies; from star systems to planets; right down to the earth where we can talk about objects like water, oxygen, soil, bacteria, dogs, antelopes, trees, or human beings. Such an approach to understanding Nature results in the hierarchy of contemporary science. It is vertically organized according to the objects of study. Cosmologists are dealing with the universe as a whole; astronomers study particular constituents of the universe like galaxies, stars; humanities study various relationships between human beings while the object of study of medicine is a human body. And so on as you descend the staircase. From particular organs to tissues; from tissues to particular cells; from cells to the structures that cells are made of; and so on, from sociology and physiology to physiology and biochemistry; from biochemistry to chemistry; from chemistry to physics or from objects like molecules to objects like atoms that are objects of study for atomic physicists. Nuclear physicists study the interior of atomic nucleus, while elementary particle physicists study the building blocks of such tiny structures as protons or neutrons. The point is that scientists always deal with objects. They study their properties and activities they can carry out. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING PARADIGM In the early stage ... ... middle of paper ... ...eating simple sentence patters would be a serious mistake. It should be stressed that the idea of OOELA was born against the real process of teaching/learning English. Both parties involved, the teacher/author of this book, and students build up a new list of expressions to label particular syntax rules. The question is always a simple one: “Does a new expression speed up the learning process?” If it does, it joins the list. However, the problems that come with the substitution of one long lasted and deeply rooted set of habits with a set of new ones are not underrated. Yet, they matter mostly teachers for, we all know, “All Habits Always Die Hard”. Yet, the target group of OOELA project is the novice in English. It is proved that they accept the new (we call it, “Generic”) list of expressions more readily then the old-fashioned one mostly derived from Latin.

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