Intrinsic and Extrinsic

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There are intrinsic and extrinsic criticisms of novels, letters, and poems. Each method offers a different perspective on how the readers interpret each piece. Intrinsic criticism is the process of how readers summarize the main points of the piece. Extrinsic criticism is the background information such as: the time period, the author’s biography, and historical references. Any additional data gathered assists with the analysis of the literary text. Emily Dickinson’s poem The Wife will be analyzed by using these two methods of criticism. An intrinsic reading of the poem will be given, insight on whether extrinsic criticism contributes to the reading of the poem or alters its meaning will be disclosed, and lastly a reflection on the relative merits of both criticisms will be provided.

In order to interpret this poem accurately, it required several revisits. Initially, when reading the poem it seems clear the narrator was writing about a woman and her roles in life. This woman gave up everything she considered appealing in the single life, and assumed the roles that were required of her as a wife. I went over the poem and the previous interpretations slightly changed. Because of Emily Dickinson’s unconventional methods, light was shed on other key factors. The first line of the poem reads -She rose to His Requirement-dropt-, this line changes the whole poem because she capitalized the “H” in his. The constant use of unusual capitalization compelled me to the idea that the “His” is a greater being. Emily Dickinson uses such methods in order to bring attention to certain areas she deemed important. The narrator gave the impression as thought the poem was talking about a husband when it referred to “His” but the capitalization signal...

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...a sense trying to solve a problem which in this case is a poem. I agree with poststructuralist views because I think that you cannot successfully solve a piece by researching the time period, author background, and so forth. The authors leave it up to our interpretations because most authors understand the concept that interpretation is no longer in their control when they write a piece. Someone who believes they could actually solve a piece of poetry and be dead on is naive because that seems like a secret we have no way of figuring out.

Intrinsic and extrinsic criticisms are important methods that can be used to enhance the readers understanding of a text. Emily Dickinson’s poem The Wife should be read primarily by what the literary text provides, because when you begin to research, and find additional information it takes away from the pureness of the poem.

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