The Internet: A Technological Revolution

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In our society, there has been a revolution which competes that of the industrial revolution. It is called technological revolution. At the top of the technological revolution is what we call, the Internet. In the following report we will be discussing about what the internet is about in general and how it might be in the future, why it is necessary in our everyday lives, and why has it become so important to everyone (i.e. companies, individuals ).

The internet is a total of medium¢s which are connected between them with channels of communication. The internet is actually an internet after it connects smaller networks of many countries. The internet rouses the computer and the world of the communications like nothing else before. The invention of the computer, of the telephone, of the telegraph etc, place the stage of this unprecedented completion of faculties. The internet becomes right away a world capability radio broadcast, a mechanism for the distribution of information and a means for the cooperation and the interaction between the individuals and their computers, being indifferent to the geographic place. In 1958 the American ministry of defence created a department called "Advanced Research Projects Agency" – ARPA. Its goal was to create new technologies. In 1968 they created the ARPAnet, a network of computers. For 20 years the internet was a network with precise and enormous in volume computers.

In 1989 the things changed and ARPA ceased to exist. The internet was a fact. Access to the internet in the past had only the universities and was used for the communication between the scientists. In nowadays it is possible for anyone to access the internet from any part of the world he could be.

Why do people use the internet? The internet is a massive encyclopedia of information and its even better in some ways. The volume of the information that you will find in the internet is outstanding. For every topic that pops in your mind then you will sure be able to find it in the internet, because there is always someone that has written about it. The internet can offer you a series of different perspectives on a single topic. As a matter of fact you can even connect to an online encyclopedia. A lot of them offer you a subscription service that helps you search through the full text of the encyclopedia. One of the good things about the internet is that it shares with you information that probably you would have to pay to find out or learn it from less convenient mediums.

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