Interdependence of the Human Body Systems

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Interdependence of the main human body systems.
Different specialised cells make up different tissues. The four main tissue types are muscle, epithelial, connective and nerve. These main tissue types work together to form organs, for example the heart is made up of many types of tissue. Heart tissues include cardiac muscle which are made up of cardiac muscle cells, fibrous connective tissue which holds the heart in place, epithelial tissue which protects the inner lining of the heart and many others. The heart works with the blood and various blood vessels to make up the cardiovascular system. Its main functions are to transport oxygen, nutrients, wastes and others throughout the body to protect the body from invading microbes and for haemostasis and homeostasis. The cardiovascular system works interdependently with other body systems to achieve their functionalities. (Widamaier, et al 2011:5)
The respiratory system works interdependently with the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to the body tissues and remove oxygen from the body. The respiratory system is made up of the nasal and oral cavities, the larynx, the trachea, the bronchi and the lungs. The airways of the respiratory system condition the air then the air travels into the alveoli of the lungs. There are many alveoli and these are covered in many capillaries to allow for a large surface area for gas exchange between the air in lungs and the blood in the capillaries. The alveolar wall is a thin membrane to allow gasses to pass through. The level of oxygen in the blood is lower than the oxygen level in the alveolar gas which creates a pressure difference making the oxygen move into the blood. The co2 in the blood is higher in the blood than in the air so the co2 trav...

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...em works interdependently with the cardiovascular system to be able to deliver nutrients absorbed through digestion to where it is needed in the body. The small intestine walls have thin epithelial layer and then have many capillaries for easy absorption of nutrients into the blood stream. (Turtle, Edd 2004)
The integumentary system is made up of the skin, hair, nails and various glands. Its functions are protecting the inner body from u.v. rays, invading microbes and for homeostasis. The work interdependently with the nervous system to create the sense of touch through sensory receptors located on the skin. It also works with the cardiovascular system to regulate body temperature for example if your body temperature is too high the capillaries close to the skin will open creating a greater blood flow to the skin to increase temperature loss. (Bailey, Regina 2010)

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