Injustices in American Prisons

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America is a melting pot, as I’m sure you have heard a million times before. However, one place in this country where the minority group is comprised not only of one race, but rather multiple ones, lies in the America’s prison system. The majority of people in this country are free. As of 2009, the rate of incarceration in our country was 743 per 100,000 people, or 0.743% (“Incarceration in the United States,” 2014). In a country of over 300 million people, I would say that a group of two million people would constitute a minority.
Furthermore, the way you become part of this group, as well as the things you endure as a member, makes you a minority in America even more so. I intend to shed light on how this minority group, as well as the smaller sub-groups inside of it, are unjustly labeled, cast aside, and unjustly left to fend for themselves. Moreover, this minority group must do so amidst a myriad of social injustices, inequalities, violence, and conflict, with little or no recourse except the hope that those in positions of power and others outside of their group will take notice and speak up to end the vicious cycle of injustice.
American prisons house some two million people, in a system originally designed to rehabilitate them. Nothing could be further from the truth in this day and age. Let’s start with a breakdown of the people who make up this minority group in America. As recent as 2009, non-Hispanic blacks constitute 39.4%, which includes 841,000 males and 64,800 females (“United States incarceration rate,” 2014). That means that they make up nearly 45% of the entire prison population. Yet, according to the 2010 census numbers, blacks (including Hispanic blacks), only make up 13.6% of America’s population (“United S...

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Incarceration in the United States. (2014, Apr 29). Retrieved May 4, 2014 from Wikipedia:
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Wooldredge, J., & Steiner, B. (2012). Race group differences in prison victimization experiences. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40(5), 358-369. DOI:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2012.06.011

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