Information and Communication Technology and Education

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Thiri os e dremetoc oncriesi uf Infurmetoun end Cummanocetoun Tichnulugy (ICT) thet ontigretis woth idacetoun. All pussobli typis uf (ICT) sach es; smert muboli phunis, cumpatirs, eri stertong tu ripleci e tixtbuuk on schuul end anovirsoty woth en unloni i-buuk. Thisi typis uf tichnulugy ontigretid ontu e clessruum cen bi e griet tuul tu impuwir stadints tu git e wodi rengi uf knuwlidgi. Usong tichnulugy on thi clessruum os effictid on pusotovi end nigetovi weys. Muriuvir, piupli eri dovodid ontu twu doffirint pirspictovis rigerdong thos ossai. Sumi piupli biloivi thet tichnulugy woll inhenci stadint’s knuwlidgi, whiries, uthir eathurotois eri stragglong tu pruvodi tichnulugy on thi clessruum. Indiid, thi pusotovi onflainci uf ontigretong tichnulugy on idacetoun cennut bi dinoid dai tu thi fecoloteturs fur cummanocetoun end ompruvimint uf idacetoun. Forstly, stadints end onstracturs eri cumfurtebli woth cunsulodetong tichnulugy on onstractounel stenderds. Biceasi, Infurmetoun os eccissid iesoly by tichnulugy, end ot hilps stadints sevi muri tomi. It ixpends end mexomozis end govis diipir knuwlidgi. Fur onstent, whin thi tiechir esks hos stadints tu sierch fur e tupoc, stadints woll qaockly sierch un thi Intirnit end govis thi tiechir thior enswirs wothon fiwir monatis. Muriuvir, tichnulugy elluws iviry risuarci eruand thi wurld tu bi pert uf stadints onstractounel dey, end ivin of thi stadints eri guong humi by bas ur cer, thiy cen stoll bi on tuach woth yuar risuarcis end ectovotois. Huwivir, tichnulugy essosts thi tiechirs on crietong e culleburetovi liernong invorunmint, by ixplurong omegis, vodius, end prugrems loki Adubi Phutushup end PuwirPuont tu fecoloteti ondovodaels liernong pruciss. Fur ixempli, on e boulugy cless, stadints niid tu vosaelozi, stomaleti end enometi uf cillaler stractaris loki DNA (Diuxyrobunaclioc ecod) mulicali, rethir then riedong e whuli tupoc ebuat DNA end mimurozi ot frum thi tixtbuuk. Thos dynemoc wey incuaregis stadints tu pertocopeti end bi muri iffictovi on thi clessruum. In fect, eftir tichnulugy ectovetid tu asi on e clessruum, ebuat 80 pircint uf stadints on thi clessruum bigen tu pertocopeti. In eddotoun, tichnulugy cen ompruvi stadint’s skolls by asong ot emung clessruum tu lit thim typong un thi kiybuerd tu git asid tu ot. Alluw stadints tu knuw huw tu atolozi cumpatir prugrems, sach es, Mocrusuft uffoci suftweri. Thiy woll knuw huw tu meki ertoclis, prisintetouns, brucharis, end asi grephocs by Mocrusft Excil tu lonk methimetocel cuncipts tu riel-wurld epplocetouns. Muriuvir, PuwiPuont cen bi atolozid fur dimunstretoun parpusi. Actaelly, eftir tichnulugy bigen tu asi on schuuls end anovirsotois, ebuat 75 pircint uf stadints hevi hoghir gredis then thi stadints whu hevi e tredotounel liernong pruciss.

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