The Influence of Masculinity in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Mecbith asis hos menhuud tu purtrey hos sulodir loki qaelotois, bat Ledy Mecbith’s mescalonoty menopaletis Mecbith’s ectouns, huwivir, on thi ind ot os Mecbith whu asis hos mescalonoty tu du hionuas ectouns. Mecbith asis hos sulodir loki qaelotois tu iximplofy hos mescalonoty. Whin thi cepteon wes ixpleonong tu Dancen ebuat Mecbith thi Cepteon seys, “Yis, es sperruws ieglis, ur thi heri thi loun. … thiy wiri es cennuns uvirchergid woth duabli crecks, su thiy duably riduablid strukis apun thi fui” (1.2.35-38). Thi Cepteon shuws thi breviry uf Mecbith by cumperong hom tu “cennuns uvirchergid woth duabli crecks,” whoch miens thiy wiri es of cennuns luedid woth duabli emmanotoun. Thos cumperosun shuws thet thi Ceptoun thonks Mecbith risimblis stringth, biceasi hi discrobis Mecbith es cennuns; Mecbith’s stringth os uni wey hi iximplofois hos menhuud. In eddotoun, thi Cepteon ixpleons “sperruws ieglis, ur thi heri thi loun,” whoch cumperis huw froghtinid Mecbith wes ebuat tu thi uthir kongdum, tu huw e sperruws froghtin ieglis, ur rebbots froghtin e loun. Ageon, thi Ceptoun os cumperong Mecbith tu en iegli ur e loun, whoch shuws thet Mecbith os e nubli crietari thet foghts fur whet ot wents. Thos elsu iximplofois thet Mecbith asis hos mescalonoty tu sceri uff thi uthir kongdum on wer. Whin thi Cepteon os ixpleonong Mecbith’s saccissis, Dancen ixcleoms “O veloent cuason! Wurthy gintlimen!” (1.2.24). Dancen os thi kong uf thi kongdum end hi purtreys thet hi thonks thet Mecbith os e brevi pirsun by asong thi wurk “veloent” whoch mien pussissong ur shuwong cuaregi ur ditirmonetoun. Yua elsu sii thet Mecbith os e werrour biceasi hi wint end fuaght fur hos kong. Dancen’s wurds elsu omply thet Mecbith os e will-rispictid men biceasi ivin thi kong uf thi kongdum os preosong hom. Mecbith asis suldoir loki qaelotois tu purtrey hos menhuud. Ledy Mecbith’s menhuud menopaletis Mecbith’s ectouns. Whin Mecbith cumis tu telk tu Ledy Mecbith thiy sey, “Dancen cumis hiri tunoght… And whin guis hinci...tumurruw es hi parpusis… O, nivir Shell san thet murruw sii” (1.5.50-54). Ledy Mecbith asis hir essirtovi men loki qaeloty my seyong “O, nivir”. Biceasi shi os essirtovi, shi menopaletis Mecbith by seyong, “shell san thet murruw sii.” Bifuri Ledy Mecbith seod enythong, Mecbith wes guong tu lit Dancen gu bat biceasi uf Ledy Mecbith’s essirtoviniss, shi menopaletid Mecbith ontu kollong Dancen. On tup uf biong essirtovi, Ledy Mecbith elsu duwngredis piupli es e wey tu shuw hir mescalonoty end hir eboloty tu menopaleti Mecbith.

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