Pros And Cons Of Push And Pull Factors

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America has the most immigrants in the world. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, a large number of European and southern African-American move to American cities. It form third immigration wave in the U.S. history. There are both push and pull factors lead them to here. Most of them faced a lot of difficulties and challenges when they first arrive here. However according to their racial or ethnic, some of them gain great opportunities, so they experience more social mobility and live in a better life. In the 19th century there is about 20 million European immigrants come to America. There are various reasons they come to here and these reasons can be separate into push and pull factors. The first push factor is the industrialization grows rapidly through Europe and it destroy the traditional economy This event also call “Great Migration” There are several push and pull factors lead to this event. The major push factor is “Kim Crow Law.” Most of the African-American were faced racial segregation. They have to drink from different water fountain, use different bathroom, and sit in the back of the bus or train. It is also difficult for them to find a job in south, because most of the job are open for white people. It is hard for them to have economic success. There is also a lot of violence towards black, such as lynching. The first pull factor is a lot of job opportunity, because there is many demands from the war, so the war industries needs many people. Most of the factories facing the labor shortage during that time. Second pull factor is the wage and living condition is so much better than South. The third factor is black can vote in the North, so they are able to gain political power. The fourth factor is there is not that much of segregation in the North compare to the South and not that much of violence. The last factor is they have more freedom in the

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