Income Tax: A Form of Involuntary Servitude

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People work hard in life so that they can own property and after acquiring the property, they need the property to be protected from those with intentions of taking it away. The process of property acquisition may entail legal and illegal activities. While acquiring the property people are supposed to ensure that they use just means. In any country there are people who live in adverse conditions hence are unable to cater for themselves and in this regard the state should cater for them (Cooper, 2010). This is because the state has a mandate of serving its citizens who it should serve like masters. Such a group of people must be helped by the government and the help should not be classified as charity but as a social duty of the state. In this regard the government should ensure that no one is unfed, lacks clothes or shelter. In other words it should ensure that everyone is provided with all the basic necessities. James (2011) suggests that ones body belongs to him, hence has a command over his own body and given the fact that he can only own what he is capable of using, all that he cannot use is a waste. Having taken enough and satisfied him, all that has remained which is regarded as left-over should be given to others. According to Cooper (2010) justice requires that one gets what he deserves and in this case the disheveled man asks for money because it is what he needs most. Though it is the right of the government to ensure that such people are provided with all the basic needs, I will give him money. My decision to give the man money is because I am the owner of what I posses hence I can command the way it has to be used. And because I know that all that I am capable of using belongs to me and that which I am not able... ... middle of paper ... ...ens, it should ensure that these rights are protected. Though the government has programs like charity work, social and public works that require funding by citizens, it should not get the funds by involuntarily taxing citizens. If it does so then it will be stealing from citizens which are a criminal offence. By voluntarily supporting these activities, the citizens will be helping the needy citizens who are unable to adequately support themselves. The government should ensure that every citizen has an access to all his basic needs but those who are well off should also assist the government in supporting the less fortunate. References Cooper, L. D., (2010). What Liberalism Is Missing, Policy Review; Apr/May2010, Issue 160, P15-25, 11p James, P., (2011). Is Liberalism Dead? American Spectator; Feb2011, Vol. 44 Issue 1, p18-21, 4p, 1 Color Photograph

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