Improving Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management in Indonesia

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Raddy defined Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) as any garbage or refuse or other discarded material arising from every day items produced by domestic, community, industrial, commercial, agricultural or any type of human operations (2). In 2013, it is estimated that Indonesian population reached 250 million people and it continues to increase at the rate of 1.5 per-cent every year (“The World Factbook”; Munawar and Feliner). Every Indonesian produces approximately 0.76 kilograms per day of MSW. Total MSW produced in 2010 was approximately 65.9 million tonnes. The rate doubles in major cities in Indonesia (Munawar and Feliner). Due to several health and environmental problems, Indonesia needs to urgently implement new Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management system and policy. This essay will begin with a brief explanation of the current waste management system in Indonesia and its problems, followed with several possible solutions that include creating and implementing more laws and policies that is more specific, revitalising landfills, establishing waste separation at household level, waste-to-energy approach and finally, zero-waste-approach.
Until government decentralisation in 1998, waste management in Indonesia was managed by central government and funded by several financial bodies (Meidiana 202). However, after the decentralisation, waste management is now under local government’s authority and is regulated by Waste Management Law no.18/2008 (202). According to Meidiana, since waste management is entrusted to local government, funding allocation also varies depending on local policies (206). On average, local governments spend about one per-cent of funding allocation on waste management (206).
While the law is aimed to encourage...

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...27 Jan. 2014.
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