Important Events of World War II

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The Second World War witnessed global events that impacted and changed the world, some for better others for worse. From the Holocaust to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the aftermath of World War II had devastating results. When one thinks of World War II, the first subjects that come to mind are the Holocaust, the Nazis and of course, Pearl Harbor. What people fail to realize is that there are more events that involved in the war that were just as significant as the latter, for instance, the Battle of the Bulge, the Blockade of Germany (1939–1945), also known as the Naval Blockade, and the Invasion of Poland under false pretenses, which resulted in the beginning of the war in Europe. Although, there are an abundance of consequences that resulted from World War II, I chose three consequences, that in my opinion, not only declared our involvement in the war, affected American citizens, but also resulted in the surrender of Japanese Forces which brought the war to a close was the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese American Internment, and the Hiroshima Bombing. These three events played a significant role in domestic as well as international affairs.
The first event that led to U.S involvement in the war, was the attack on Pearl Harbor. In the article, “Hallowed Ground... a date which will live in infamy; by Wade G. Dudley, the author addresses the history of Japan's bombing of the Pearl Harbor, the American naval base in Oahu, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. According to the article, a Japanese midget submarine that was attempting to enter the Pearl Harbor was fired by the destroyer USS Ward and within the hour the first wave of 183 Japanese torpedo bombers, dive bombers and fighters swept over Oahu, bombing and strafing Kaneohe Bay and...

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...g mass destruction and death. The bombing of Hiroshima was responsible for countless deaths, destruction of a city, and the collapse of communities.
In the article, “The Surrender of Japan: OFFICIAL STATEMENTS AND ORDERS”, published in the Vital Speeches of the Day, Emperor Hirohito declared a proclamation accepting the terms set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, and China on July 26, 1945….” I command all of my people forthwith to cease hostilities, to lay down their arms and faithfully to carry out all the provisions of the instrument of surrender and the general orders issued by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarter hereunder” (1945). This order seized the involvement of Japanese Forces in the war bringing all hostilities act to an end. The surrender of Japan ended the war in the Pacific.

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