Balancing Quality with Cost, Time, and Scope in IT Projects

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The typical triangle with three interdependent variables, cost, time and scope, must include another important constraint operating in every project: Quality. This constraint should be analyzed in two ways, product and process quality (Wysocki, 2014). A project could be delivered in time, meeting cost and scope, however, it might to fail to comply quality standards (Schwalbe, 2014). The process of balancing project constrains includes the followings, but are not limited to: Scope, Quality, Schedule, Budget, Resources and risks (PMI, 2013).
There is a certain level of satisfaction that stakeholders, customers, final users, etc., are waiting at the end of every single IT project and should be expressed in terms of quality. Especially in Information …show more content…

Every error not covered in this stage will be translated in the execution process causing not only over costs, but, countless quality and time problems. Doing an exhaustive requirements discovery during the first stages of the project will give the project manager a high probability to find out less or not errors in the best case, and it will boast the quality product and processes in the project.

“During the past twenty years, there has been a revolution in quality. Improvements have occurred not only in product quality, but also in leadership quality and project management quality” (Kerzner, 2009). The quality management movement has been changing views from this historical perspective where prevention was a key element in quality, to a focus in the prevention strategies pushing for more highs levels of quality to be customer driven. (Kerzner, 2009). This was a
The quality management plans today are deployed by project managers with high level of statistical process control measures. Using this statistical approach demonstrate the repeatability of quality and the final implication or impacts in quality management plans should be a continuous improvement of the

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