The Importance of Management Motivation in Business

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It is often said that a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. The health and productivity of a company determined by each individual’s ability to overcome his or her weaknesses, and management’s capacity for nurturing the best characteristics in people. In other words, it’s a two way street. What comprises a weakness or strength in a professional environment is its power to weigh down or boost the company’s ability to reach their goal. A personality is the collective and prevalent characteristic that navigates a person’s actions.
Personalities are complex in there own right, but compounding multiple ones into one environment, where they are expected to put aside their differences, interact, and collaborate in common goals invites chaos. Chaos can be suppressed through understanding and incentivizing. In a work place, motivation is founded upon the potential to advance psychological and physical needs---whether that means having enough time for lunch or a corner-office that accompanies a promotion.
It is important to note, chaos in a work place can result from the beginning, that is, when someone is hired. The lack of compatibility between the profession and the individual can result in an efficient and unhealthy work environment for all involved. Ideal personality characteristics rely greatly on the type of organization or company. The “big five” personalities are thought to be the keystones of success. However, this doesn’t mean each of these personalities bods well in every industry. While, someone with an “extravertive” personality, who is notably outgoing and confidant may be well suited for a career in real estate that requires strong social skills, this same person may not be able to adapt to an accounting firm, ...

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... people---such as a buyer or a storeowner, whose main object is to understand the costumer.
Most importantly, I want a job where I feel motivated on a day-to-day basis. I am intrinsically motivated from the satisfaction I get from new experiences and being able to be creative. I am extrinsically motivated, by being granted new opportunities. For example, one motivation to do well this semester is be able to do Marist Manhattan in the future. An obvious career motivational factor is money, which often alleged as a shallow motivator. However, I tend to believe there is nothing petty about supporting oneself in career they love. I believe I would be most success with a balance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators---perhaps the best way to avoid a burnout. It all comes down to a simple idea: if I exert myself everyday, it’s okay to reap the rewards.

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