The Importance of Fashion as a Social Hierarchy Statement

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Society is constructed in such a way that some people become inferior to other people because of how society treats certain individuals. Fashion has become a catalyst that leaves a gap between the lower class and the upper class; this brings out the aspect of social structure as it ranks categories of people in a hierarchy,( Macious & Plummer, 2008).Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus, social capital and cultural capital gives an illustration of the elite and the lower class in terms of their fashion taste. This essay consists of three parts; the first part will look at the London Fashion Week applying Bourdieu’s concepts, the second part will describe the difference sorts of capital required for elite women to join the ‘secret club’ of Haute Couture and it will determine whether the garments worn are used as conspicuous consumption or as cultural capital, and finally this essay will examine if clothes are still a mark of distinction or has it lost its social meaning.
According to Macionis & Plummer, 2008:264 they define field as a “relatively autonomous space in which social relationships get organised. These relations are often economic, social, cultural and symbolic”, while habitus is defined as “our learned social habits which lead people to behave in certain ways”. Social capital is being a member and being involved in the social networks; this is evident when such people who have good connections and networking. Unlike cultural capital which refers to people with wield power and status because of their educational credentials. In the London Fashion week Bourdieu’s concept apply as the elite people recognise each other and ignore those who pretend to be rich (Entwistle & Rocamora,2006). In order for one to be recognised on...

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...uires one to be presentable in terms of fashion, as other people may discriminate you when you wear certain clothes which do not match their class. However, usually people of the upper class associate with the people of the upper class therefore Bourdieu’s theory is useful in today’s fashion.
In conclusion history in terms of fashion changed in accordance to social changes and industrial revolutions across the globe (Macious & Plummer, 2008) thus people are obsessed with fashion as fashion puts one in a certain class which one tends to like depending on one’s field, habitus, social, cultural, symbolic, economic, and cultural capital.

Cline,E .Overdressed Entwistle,J &Rocamora A.2006. London College of Fashion
Macions, J.J &Plummer K.2008.Sociology: A Global Introduction. Prentice Hall: Pearson

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