The Importance of Communication Protocols in Medical Centers

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Communication protocols are a very important theme for all medical centers. Every business must adopt the correct communication protocols, but with businesses such as medical facilities, it is especially important. The network architecture of this medical center is changing and any communication procedures that were followed before need to be reconstructed and made sure they are followed again.
In a medical center the results could be fatal to its patients if proper communications are not initiated. Speed is needed and when anything is changed, doctors and other staff need to be informed right away: because if people are given the wrong treatments or treatments that do not best suit them (once any new findings are added), deaths can occur, and lawsuits could follow. The responsibility of any medical center is to make sure that the proper treatments are initiated, which means that verification messages should be included in the network software programs so that people sending messages could be informed once a message is received by the computers or servers that they are sent to. In addition the system should also send notifications when emails are viewed, even before a response is sent by the viewer. Because this medical center is in the process of getting ready to initiate a new system infrastructure, it is imperative that all staff fully understands any communication requirement that has changed, and everything should be organized in an attempt to make communication procedures more solid.
All departments that a patient visits during any visit should be notified of any treatment change. The patient should get the best care that the medical center can give. Decisions for treatments might be mad...

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...information that needs to be sent with urgency.
The medical center has many decisions to make regarding multiple dilemmas. With this type of an organization they should not be compromising anything to save money. Networks that exist in such types of places should be very high level networks. And if the medical center does not really care about the importance of what they are supossed to be doing then they mind as well become a Morgue.

Works Cited Telecommunications Essentials (2nd Edition.) Pearson (2007) -Goleniewski, L. & Jarrett, K. W.

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