Global Expansion

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Before entering a dark place, most people tend use some type light emitting device

to provide direction and guidance; so they are able to see what is in front of them, so that

Do not fall. The same principal should be used when attempting to sell overseas. Before

attempting expand into a new market domestically; your success depends on research

planning and timing. This will give you the necessary light needed to find out if you have

the right offering, and pinpoint a high-potential customer base. In addition, it helps you

find the right partners to help you out your planning, then tapping consumer or business

markets overseas have the potential to benefit your business tremendously.

The cultural divide is still ever persistent, but the good news is that it's getting

smaller and smaller. It may never disappear totally because of the way most us tend to

stay within our cultural bounds. Most of us Americans believe that we are supposed to

be positive, dynamic and assertive no matter what but is the proper way to do things in

other countries? Probably not. Yet, that’s the American way of doing things. Many of us

are pretty comfortable with our own customs but normally feel threaten when cross

cultural lines. Normally we feel uncomfortable or even threaten when boundaries are

crossed, but adjustments must be made for firms to be successful overseas. In most of the

world, business is about people and relationships, win-win relationships built on mutual

trust. Of course, business involves selling and buying and making money. But for the most

of the world, good business follows mutual trust, not vice versa. Friendship comes before

money talk. In addition, mutual trust usually results from comfort levels they achieve with each

other. Politically incorrect or not, let's face it. It is more difficult to feel comfortable with

people who don't look like us or talk like us. The failure to adjust, to the difference

between people can cause an organization to fail miserable when trying expand in overseas


After investigati...

... middle of paper ... been open to the world for 20

years therefore, its growth has been extraordinary. Vietnam's economy has weathered the

global economic slowdown of 2001 better than most other Asian economies, largely due

to the fact that it is less integrated into the world economy and less vulnerable to declines

in demand for its exports. Vietnam is growing economy with a bright future ahead of it.

For our firm to expand international we must continue to make low cost product to

support the ever-growing elderly population and challange people of these nations the

ability to moving around with little or trouble.

Before we expand to any of these nations we need to ensure that have a firm

understanding of their culture. Friendship and understand first, then the bottom line should

be discuss.



Retrieved October 5, 2002

Retrieved October 8, 2002

Retrieved October 10, 2002

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