The Impcat of Legalizing Cloning in our Society

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Imagine being made for the sole purpose to help a fellow human being with an incurable disease. Think of people having a so-called copy of you or some one who they cherish. Imagine being in a world where anything can be turned into an exact copy of you with just one sample of skin containing your DNA. Legalizing cloning in humans will save large amounts of lives. It can also increase animal reproduction, which will increase food revenue within our society. Cloning will also, help us consume less chemicals and hormones that have been used on plants and animals. The amount of pesticide and other toxic ingredients used on our food supply is starting to degrade are health by causing cancer and other diseases. These are some of the main reasons that cloning will help. Not only help but improve our future generations.

There are three types of cloning; gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. These three examples of cloning differ from one another in the method in which they are carried out but all do the same thing as a whole. Gene Cloning produces copies of genes and DNA, reproductive-cloning copies the whole animal and therapeutic cloning happens as an experiment aiming to create new tissue that replaces injured or diseased tissues. Having three processes of cloning not only gives us three different methods that can be used but it could make a breakthrough to better our future. Not only will human cloning be good for diseases but will also contribute to our food consumption and will be a great achievement. Having this will only open s small window to our life consumption of consuming good and being in a better state of mind.

But before we start consuming any type of cloned meat or crop we have to experiment...

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