The Impact Retail Atmosphere on Consumer Behavior

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It was discovered that creating a change atmosphere is very expensive especially for chain stores. As they have uniformity in their designs for all retail outlets so it is very difficult for retailer to differentiate or competes with up coming rivals. According to scholar, “Spatial layout” of the physical surroundings is more important and he defines this term as Spatial layout refers to the ways in which equipment, tools, and furniture are arranged, the dimension and form of those objects, and the spatial associations between them. According to him, it is reasonable to say that spatial layout and functionality of the environment are highly significant to consumers in shopping environments. Similarly, if the tasks are very complex than the efficiency of layout and functionality will be more vital than when the tasks are easy (Bitner, 1992).

Baker et al. (2002) while discussing the importance of store patronage on the consumer intention and their willingness to wait or stay in the retail store conclude that the role of gender have a significant impact on the evaluation and wait expectation of a retail store. He used videotapes to reproduce a store environment experience and applied maximum likelihood simultaneous estimation rules.

A further study concludes that interior elements of retail shop, the design element have a strongest impact on patronage behavior which helps when the rivals’ shops have same prices and other features while defining the design elements, few scholars divide them in to 6 categories that are space, line, form, texture, light and color. These are they major elements which are kept in mind while designing a particular retail store (Allen &Jones, 2004).

On the other hand while exploring the importance of ...

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... is an impact of atmospheric variables on consumer behavioral intention.

H2: There is a significant relationship between interior atmospherics of a retail store on consumer’s behavioral intention.

H a: There is a significant relationship of retail’s store color on behavior intentions.

H b: The layout of the retail store has a significant relationship with customer behavior intentions.

H c: There is a significant relationship of scents with consumer behavior intentions.

H d: There is a significant relationship of light on customer behavior intentions.

With the help of detail understanding of the interior atmospherics elements and behavior intention .After justifying the hypotheses the researcher is able to develop a concise theoretical frame work .Which covers the main elements which have significant impact on consumer behavioral intention in a retail store.

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