Impact of Tourism Industry to the Environment

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The government has clearly made efforts with regards to sustaining our country’s natural reserve. Through the policies they’ve implemented to every region in the Philippines, the sustainability of the environment in a certain place can be easily achieved.

Our country's wildlife and natural reserve is now experiencing threats because of the ever growing population of our country. It is also threatened because of the continuous hunting of the said animals whether for commercial or for subsistence use and exploitation of the resources which the environment has. Also, the ignorance of the Filipinos on the great importance those resources have is a threat to our rich ecosystem.

In line with the efforts made by the government to ensure the global competitiveness of the country's economy, policies made for further developments should be environment friendly, especially in the tourism industry which relies heavily on natural attractions.

This gathered data came from a research interview conducted by the researcher to an expert. The expert who has been interviewed was Ms. Joreen Rocamora a Domestic Tourism teacher.

According to Ms. Rocamora, not all of the changes in the environment are caused by the development of the tourism industry. For her, these changes in the environment are mostly coming from people. It is not only coming from the tourism development but also coming from avarices, apathy and arrogance of the people. When they seek for more, when they would want to get more from the environment whether it is coming from the industry of engineering and manufacturing, if one is seeking more from it then, definitely our environment would changed negatively. Second apathy, when one is indifferent, he or she does not care about the...

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...e of the natural resources available. Efforts on planning and managing sustainable environment can help in order to prevent the decline in revenue, tourist arrivals and closure of business. He said there is a need to develop and market competitive tourist products and destinations; improve market access connectivity and destination infrastructure; and improve tourism governance and human resources. In this regard, the DOT asks for an additional $5 million in the budget of $10 million— that has not changed for the past five years— for the tourism advertisements and promotions.

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