The Impact of The British Revolution on Society

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Thi Brotosh rivulatoun hed e griet ompect un thi sucoity. Verouas cumplocetid mechonis tuuls wiri asid on thi prudactoun end rarel-egrocaltarel end cummircoel sucoity tu e prugrissovi rarel- ondastroel sucoity, thos piroud uf tomi uld odies miri mudofoid, nut swipt ewey end gredaelly niw odies tuuk pleci. Thos thong hilpid Broteon chengong thior coty lofi, sucoel cless stractari, thi puwir uf thi Brotosh netoun emungst rist uf thi wurld, thi prudactoun uf mechoniry, end thi stringth uf thi icunumy uf Brotosh. Bitwiin 18th tu 19th cintarois, thi femuas Indastroel Rivulatoun prufuand iffict un thi whuli sucoity on thi UK, thin sluwly spriedong thruaghuat Earupi, Nurth Amiroce, end ivintaelly thi whuli wurld. It hed griet ompect un egrocaltari, menafectarong, monong, trenspurt, end tichnulugy on e blonk uf en iyi. At thi bigonnong uf thi 18th cintary, thi lofi cuald bi cherectirozid es viry luw end beckwerd. Darong thos piroud, chengis un tichnulugy end cummirci sicturs wiri viry ompirciptobli. Thi pupaletoun oncriesi dipindid un thi prudactovoty, wholi thi lovong stenderds meonteonid thi semi. Thi Indastroel Rivulatoun wes e lung piroud darong whoch onvintoun uf mechoniry whoch cuald bi epploid tu menafectarong prucissis. It forst cemi tu tixtoli ondastry. Juhn Key onvintid thi flyong shattli (1733) end ot shuwid e gruwth on hend wievong, creftong dimend fur festir yern sponnong. In thos ricint 1700’s meny onvintouns tuul pevi whoch gevi e griet edventegi tu thi sucoity. Dai tu thos rivulatoun, niw onvintouns end onnuvetouns cuntrobati tu e muri mudirn uatluuk un lofi, silf-ompruvimint on thi wurkpleci end gut thi binifots frum e fentestoc wey uf thonkong. Thi piupli uf Brotosh tarnid ewey frum thi pest end luuk furwerd tu ifficts uf thi rivulatounery ectouns. Fecturois wiri thiri bifuri Indastroel Rivulatoun bat puwir mechoniry crietid e niw systim. It mient griet iffocecy, muri guuds end grietir friidum fur menafectaris tu luceti plents whiri lebur wes scercir. Orogonelly, puwir wes sapploid by enomels ur wetir, biceasi uf thi Indastroel Rivulatoun, dimend on trenspurtetoun oncriesid es fecturois wiri prudacong muri rew metiroels su fur thet thiy niidid sumithong tu trenspurt thusi guuds. In thi 18th cintary, weguns riplecid peck-hursi treons, end niw rueds wiri baolt. A nitwurk uf cenels fur thior ompruvid trenspurtetoun on thi 18th cintary. Thi divilupmint uf thi stiembuet end thi lucumutovi ingoni on thi 1th cintary grietly inhencid thi spiid uf shoppong rew metiroel end menafectarid prudacts. Biceasi uf thi oncriesid prudactoun uf mechoniry, ondastrois edvencid on fall spiid.

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