The Impact of Safety on the Aviation Industry

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There is a growing separation between safety and the management of its impact on the aviation industry. As determined through the research the impact is continuously becoming a burden financially to management. Implementation of Federal regulations with a strong training regimen has proved to be a challenge within the aviation industry. Many of the necessary processes for safety are being ignored because of high cost to implement. To obtain the objective that safety is part of the daily routine management has to contribute proactively to promote the right safety culture. An effective safety culture will only be accomplished through methods of creating a positive atmosphere and recognizing the human factors involved within the aviation community. Without a significant concentration in the arena of safety to improve operations the aviation industry will have greater opportunities to fail. Concentrating on safety issues will greatly improve the maintenance efforts and produce a safer operating more efficient culture. The inability of management to support a measurable safety program would only spell disaster within the operating company within the aerospace industry. Answering how the impact of safety in the aerospace industry may only be answered by management opening the financial lock and becoming proactive in the processes of implementation.

The impact of safety in aviation can only be defined by how management reacts to the implementation of a safety culture within the work environment. Defining safety as the textbook would depict “safety is the study of accidents and their avoidance demanding expertise in domains ranging from psychology and sociology through Information Technology to Management”.(Bartlett, C. 2...

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...r hour.
• 500 incorrect surgical procedures each week.
• 50 newborns dropped by doctors every day. (DeCastro, A. 2014)
Those percentages don’t sound as good when you put them in perspective. Now let’s look at some more studies that were accomplished with a 99.99% rate of certainty would be at an acceptable level:
• 2,000 incorrect drug prescriptions per year.
• 3,200 times per year your heart would fail to beat.
• Five children would suffer permanent brain damage from vaccinations.
• 370,000 checks would be deducted from the wrong accounts each week. (DeCastro, A. 2014)
That study resulted in some interesting results and leads us to belief that no management team is willing to make the sacrifice of safety to save the industry a few dollars. The most dominant determinant of safety is cost. So who decides how much safety is enough and how much do we want to afford.

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