The Impact of Chloroplast Movement in Plant Cells

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Plant growth and development are directly influenced by the movement and positioning of the chloroplasts. Chloroplast movement is stimulated by varying external stimuli; (Kadota, Sato and Wada, 1996) submergence, water stress, low temperature, etc. and among these light-induced chloroplast movement is the most researched and commonly established. Chloroplasts in photosynthesizing plant cells change their arrangement in response to irradiation from light. This is believed to maximize their photosynthetic activity and minimize photo damage. This essay will try to expand on the concepts of chloroplast movement in plant cells by discussing the mechanisms involved and machinery employed through irradiated light settings & light receptors, and cytoplasmic filaments including Ca+ flux & actins. Firstly, chloroplasts found in plant species change their location in a cell in response to ambient light settings. Particularly, the “concentration” of the admitted light plays an importance to the movement and relocation of the chloroplast for specific arrangement in a cell. Low fluence-rate (LFR) is generated by weak light and as a result(Haupt and Scheuerlein, 1990) it allows the chloroplasts to seek the best position possible in order to receive the greatest light absorption. In contrast high fluence-rate (HFR) forces the chloroplasts to move to a position where lowest possible light absorption takes place, in order to evade photo-damage. (Serlin and Roux, 1984) during high fluence irradiation the chloroplasts are situated in periphery and move onto the anticlinal walls. Secondly, chloroplast movement in plant species is revealed to be most effective under blue light. In a model study involving Arabi... ... middle of paper ... ...mmary, I hope I was able to illustrate to you the concepts of chloroplast movement in plant cells by discussing the mechanisms involved and machinery employed through irradiated light settings & light receptors, and cytoplasmic filaments & actins. Chloroplasts, basically modify their intracellular organization by exposing profiles to the irradiated light (low fluence rate vs. high fluence rate). Light receptor(s) and phytochrome are implicated in the mechanisms of chloroplasts rearrangement and movement. This is also established by the mechanism of assembly and disassembly of actin filaments and flux of Ca+. In retrospect, actin responsibilities are depended on light receptors. As you can see, the interconnection between all these components in one way or another play a significant role in the mechanisms and machinery of chloroplast movement.

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