The Impact of Bioterrorism

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Imagine a world where major cities have been reduced to deserted ghost towns. Imagine food prices skyrocketing, as a pandemic sweeps across the nation. And finally, imagine the U.S., 200 million people less. This post-apocalyptic scene is now closer than ever, all thanks to biological weapons. Biological weapons are lethal material derived from pathogenic microorganisms and toxins deliberately used to kill and incapacitate living hosts (McCuen). Along with nuclear and chemical weapons, biological weapons are classified as a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WoMD). However, many of these disease carrying microorganism are also highly contagious and have the ability to spread, creating a virtually endless ‘blast radius’ (McCuen). Most importantly, bio-weapons, much like nukes, have the potential to lead both powerful nations and their less powerful counter parts down the path of non-recovery (O’Toole and Donald). Because of these destructive capabilities, the 1972 Biologic and Toxin’s Convention was held and the research of bio-weapons, for non-peaceful purposes, was outlawed world-wide (Moodie). Regardless, as many as 14 countries today blatantly violate the terms of this internationally recognized agreement. Hence, biological weapons have the capacity to be more hazardous than other WoMDs as health care-services today are unequipped to manage germ warfare, they are capable of obliterating a nation, and are significantly easier to manufacture.
Due to the lack vaccines and experienced physicians, hospitals and clinics will be overwhelmed and rendered useless in the event of a bioterrorist attack. Let’s take smallpox for instance. Many know that smallpox is a highly contagious, lethal disease caused by the virus Variola. And, ...

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... U.S. obsolete.

Works Cited

Kortepeter, Mark G., Theodore J. Cieslak, and Edward M. Eitzen. "Bioterrorism." Journal of Environmental Health. 1 Jan. 2001: 21. eLibrary. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
McCuen, Gary E. Biological Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hudson: Gary E. McCuen, 1999. Print.
Moodie, Michael. "Risk and Response." The World Today. 1 Nov. 2001: 4. eLibrary. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
O’Toole, Tara, and Donald A. Henderson. "A Clearly Present Danger." Harvard International Review. 1 Oct. 2001: 49. eLibrary. Web. 7 Apr. 2014.
Pringle, Laurence. Chemical and Biological Warfare: The Cruelest of Weapons. Berkeley Heights: Enslow, 2000. Print.
Weflad, Jon, R. W. Trewyn, Ralph C. Richardson, Robert S. Zeigler, James L. Marsden, Jerry P. Jaax. "Agricultural Biological Weapons Threat." U.S. Senate's Emerging Treats Subcommittee. 10 1999. Print. Speech transcript.

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