Immorality of Human Nature Depicted in Golding's Lord of the Flies

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In Lord of the Flies, William Golding expresses the idea that humans are naturally immoral, and that people are moral only because of the pressures of civilization. He does this by writing about a group of boys, and their story of survival on an island. The civilized society they form quickly deteriorates into a savage tribe, showing that away from civilization and adults, the boys quickly deteriorate into the state man was millions of years ago. This tendency is shown most in Jack, who has an animalistic love of power, and Roger, who loves to kill for pleasure. Even the most civilized boys, Ralph and Piggy, show that they have a savage side too as they watch Simon get murdered without trying to save him. Simon, the only one who seems to have a truly good spirit, is killed, symbolizing how rare truly good people are, and how quickly those personalities become corrupted.

Man’s immorality is expressed in the steady decline of human decency in the civilization that the boys create on their island. In the few weeks after their plane crash which strands them on a paradise-like island, Ralph organizes the boys into an ordered civilization. However, the boys soon realize that nobody is around to reprove them if they hurt, bully, or even kill each other and the animals on the island, and start following the sadistic Jack. He encourages them to become savage by showing them the joy of hurting and killing lesser animals. The actions of the boys show that Man’s morals were not imbedded in his being, but bred into him by the pressures of civilization. Without civilization to keep people in check, they start to run wild, because nobody is restraining them. This property is shown especially by Roger in Lord of the Flies. In the beginning ...

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...w true moral behaviour is stamped out by the majority, who are all immoral and like to bully and kill the weak. In the end, there is no hope for true spiritual purity.

Humans are naturally immoral, and the only reason that they are moral is because civilization bred it into them. As we see in Lord of the Flies, all of the boys except Simon feel the urge to destroy and kill. They go on wild hunts for pigs, hurt each other for entertainment, and form a wild tribe where everything is run by the tyrannical Jack and the sadistic Roger. Even Piggy and Ralph feel some of the others’ mob mentality when everyone, as a group, kills Simon, the only boy with a civilized heart. His death symbolizes how mankind kills off all notions of sympathy with its cruel and evil heart. If it were not for the moralizing effects of civilization, No humans would be present who pity others.

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