The Image of a Father in Key to My Father by Harlen Coban

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Family is a strong bond that cannot be broken. In the “Key to My Father”, by Harlen Coban, the main character developes a mental picture of his father being unhip, unfit, and does what he can to provide to his family. Marc sees his father as a hardworking man that believes family comes first, but realizes that his father is unhappy. Marc seeks for clues in which he trys to find evidence to develop emotions toward his father by being proud, curious, and sad toward him.
Marc is proud of his father for helping him understand the importance of family. Throught the essay, Marc talks about how his father has no friend, dresses tacky, but realizes that he does what he can to make his life better. Marc states that he remembers going to the “little league coaches”, were his father would play ball, but would strike out quickly. Marc remembers how his father would tell him to keep his elbow up, and foot planted firmly on the ground to get a better pitch. His father would quote him that he was only a spaz. Marc grows a bond with his father because of his actions. Marc sees the good ...

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