Iago’s Jealousy

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Iago’s Jealousy

In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, good is often confronted by evil, in which almost every case is in the form of jealousy. Iago, the plays antagonist, is a very manipulative villain. Iago uses his own agony and distress brought upon him by his envy of others, to provoke the same agony within the characters in the play. Jealousy’s ability are shown to influence people to new ends and make all humanistic judgment disappear leaving that man a monster torn apart by envy. Jealousy’s true destructive wrath and the pure evil it brings out in people can be revealed through Iago’s actions throughout the tragedy Othello.

Through out the play jealousy is a ruler over Iago’s thoughts and actions, influencing the way he feels about himself. Iago’s jealousy is exhibited while speaking with Roderigo “One Michael Cassio, a Florentine/ (A fellow almost damned in a fair wife)/ That never set a squadron in the field, / Nor the division of a battle knows/ More than a spinster—unless the bookish theoric, / Wherein the toged consuls can propose/ As masterly as he. Mere prattle without practice/ Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had th' election/ And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof/ At Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds/ Christian and heathen, must be belee’d and calmed/ By debitor and creditor./ This counter-caster/ He (in good time) must his lieutenant be/ And I, bless the mark, his Moorship’s ancient”(I.i.18-32) . Through Iago’s tone his enraged anger and discomfort is exhibited. Iago speaks with a sense of shame toward himself, “And I, bless the mark, his Moorship’s ancient” (I.i.32). exposing his loss of respect for himself. When Iago loses respect for himself it is certain he has lost all respect for others, bein...

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...e that gave thee to the Moor!”(III.iii.427-435) Iago lies to Othello, who trust Iago dearly; the loss of respect is yet again exhibited. Jealousy’s evil effects take over Othello’s mind causing him to become a blood thirsty beast, “Oh, blood, blood, blood!” (III.iii.462). Othello desires the shed of blood because he is so jealous. Jealousy blinds his mind and sense of reason and he acts upon emotion irrationally, all because of the evil Iago and his plan, inspired and motivated by jealousy.

In the tragedy Othello jealousy is a motivator of evil, Iago uses it against people resulting in the destruction of their own lives and the people’s lives around them. Jealousy makes solid minded people go mad; it manipulates people into believing false, and loses sight of what they truly love. Iago is a scheming evil beast whose motive to destroy lives and kill was, jealousy.

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