The Human Synergistics Circumplex Behavioral Stylen Results

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The Human Synergistics Circumplex includes twelve thinking and behavioral styles that can positively or negatively affect an individual’s potential for success in business or other ventures. The styles are divided into three categories of Constructive, Passive/Defensive, and Aggressive/Defensive. The Life Styles Inventory is designed to help which of these styles are influencing your potential the most both positively and negatively. My inventory identified my primary thinking style as Humanistic-Encouraging. This style very accurately indicates that I am very thoughtful and understanding. I support others by knowing their needs, teaching and encouraging them, and always being available to answer questions or settle disputes. Frequently, I am sought out for advice or counseling as I am noted for my patience, understanding, and respect of confidences. Managers, coworkers, and subordinates all recognize these traits in me and this leads them to desire an opportunity to work with me regardless of the size, length, or arduousness of the project. The plain and simple statement that sums this up is to call me a ‘people person’. My secondary style is actually shown to be a tie between both Affiliative and Conventional styles. Conventional seems to support my primary style through points that I am agreeable, reliable and steady, and very respectful towards others, but acts to the contrary with suggestions of seeking praise and an overt concern for appearances. The Affiliative style strongly supports my Humanistic-Encouraging style. I am relaxed, cooperative, helpful, diplomatic, sincere, and strongly support inclusion. It is also quite true that I value people much more highly than possessions and also strive to help others in ... ... middle of paper ... ...f my dominant styles. My desire to adhere to the rules, however, is in contrast to the Achievement style that is sought after and very effective in leaders of high performing organizations. If I desire to become one of those respected leaders known for making good things happen then I must set goals, display ambition, and drive towards results. Is there a possibility of striving towards earthly gain while maintaining my religious belief that such behavior is enmity with God? Is my Approval style really problematic if living like Christ holds higher priority for me than being a successful manager? Works Cited Lafferty, J. Clayton, Ph.D.. 1/30/11. " Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI 1 & 2)". Lafferty, J. Clayton, Ph.D.. 1/14/11. "Your LSI Styles Profile".

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