The Human Stain by Philip Roth

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“The Human Stain” is one of the greatest work and the author Philip Roth also created a wonderful story, which I had a great time by reading it. Roth Philip uses one of the interesting themes in his book such as, love, identity, and also about family. By using these themes in his book he created one of the most interesting American stories. In this book there is a narrator, Nathan Zuckerman who told the story about his friend Coleman Silk, a very successful professor and also a dean at the Athena College. He began the story during the time when the news were about the president of the United States, Bill Clinton, and the scandal with Monica Lewis. “The Human Stain” is a very good book and its action is quite direct. When, Nathan Zuckerman tells the story about Professor Coleman Silk who was accused of racism after he talks about his two students and called them “spooks”. But Coleman Silk also has another secret that he comes from a black people family and he never told his secret to his colleagues, friends, and even he never told to his wife and his children. It is the shocking surprise of Coleman’s real identity and his secret history that Nathan Zuckerman follows in “The Human Stain”. But at the end of the story the narrator, Nathan Zuckerman understood about Coleman’s secret and about his identity that he didn’t tell to anyone. The author’s writing about identity, for instance when Coleman hides his secret that he is from a black people family and changes his identity into Jewish makes each reader to ask questions about their own identities and the elements that affects the recreation of the identities. Coleman explains to his mother that he is leaving his family and he plans to marry a white woman. When Coleman refuses his mo...

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... the story of “The Human Stain” seems like a direct narrative, and according to reader response criticism, we understand that the writer has written the book with a brilliant and intelligent individual in mind. This book deals with the past and present and it is also about reality that suggests us an impressive reflection of what we might learn about each other. At the end of the story the narrator made an unexpected conclusion, by having those experiences that shows up his own personal thoughts. The personal nature is one reason that the book’s ending keeps such important meaning. For the reader the story is illustrated in the way that the text deals with the themes that are very close to some of the people in this world. By contrasting the characters of this story, the author Philip Roth uses to illustrate the world that suggests the responsibility and obligation.

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