Human Resource Management Debate

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Human Resource Management Debate: Performance based rewards is the key to achieve excellent performance Debate Team 7 Con side Politically driven reforms like pay-for-performance are nothing more than reflections of public frustration.” -Wilms and Chapleau Pay per performance rewards are not for the benefit of employees not even for the companies. This is a tool to lure and attract the top talent in the market and to exploit it. Pay per performance is a kind of sophisticated bribery system in Senior Vice President and Senior Scholar Lewis C. Solmon and Milken J. Podgursky Professor of Economics and Chair do department of economics in University of Missouri-Columbia, did a research and found the following results: Historical Background: According to this research the pay performance-based compensations were first started in England in 1710, with devastating results, and teachers also become obsessed with the system’s financial rewards and punishments. There was a similar system introduced in Canada in 1876. No doubt the test results went up but the caused the teachers to focus on students who were most likely to succeed, making them cram for examinations and they ignored the rest of the student. This experiment came to an end whit a public outcry. Then in Arkansas an experiment was initiated which tied school funding to student test scorings. This was experimented in 18 cities. There was an increase in the results but they encountered problems as, disorganization, scandals and lack of knowledge. “politically driven reforms like pay-per-performance are nothing more than reflections of public frustration”( Wilms and Chapleau, 1999) According to the review provided by Lexington Herald-Leader o... ... middle of paper ... ...Marshall Goldsmith,“Retain Top Performers.” 2008. 5. McKinsey & Company, “The War for Talent,” 2000. 6. “Reward Lessons from the crisis,” Hewitt Quarterly Asia Pacific. 7. 8. 9. Tsung-Chih Wu, Chi-Hsiang Chen, Chin-Chung Li “Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,”, 2008. 10. Pink, Dan, “RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us,”, 2010. 11. Workplace Safety & Prevention Services, “U.S. workplace injuries and illness cost as much as cancer,”, 2012.

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