Human Population Growth and Water Drought

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Water Drought and the Depletion of our Aquifers have lots to due with the human population growth in the World. The population is growing around 80 million people per year. Hence, we now need 64 billion cubic meters of water, per year for everyone in the World. With all the demand for water increases, we need to dig deeper into our wells. However, by digging deeper under the earth’s surface it is more likely to be contaminated with naturally occurring minerals, like radium that have been in contact with rock formations for hundreds of thousands of years with minerals that have dissolved into the water. Aquifers recharge so slowly soon wells will run dry, this is why we need to learn how to conserve water everyday.

Here are two places in the World that are having big drought problems and are at risk of depleting all of their fresh water due to the excess digging into their aquifers. Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA and Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, which is located in the Middle East; both are the scarcest regions of the world. Both regions are at risk of losing all of their fresh water...

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