Human Genetic Modification

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Human genetic modification is the process through which medical personnel and scientist alter the genetic makeup or the DNA of a person (Clapper 1). This modification is achieved either through the addition of some genes or removal of others. The addition of genes is achieved through a carrier which can be a virus. The addition can either be to the somatic cells or to the germ cells. In somatic cells, added genes alter the genetic makeup of the body while in germ cells, alteration is to the reproductive cells. Genetic modifications have been widely exercised in plants. However, the exercise is limited in humans due to ethical issues. With genetic modification, the evolution of new beings that are stronger and disease-free can be enhanced. However, one concern surrounding the practice is that it would upset the balance of life. Genetic modification should not be carried out, as it violates the ethics of humans.
One of the major reasons why genetic modification should not be accepted is that it is morally wrong. God created all of us, and by modifying someone, we are messing with God’s plan. Another reason is that genetic modification is not safe (Scott). There are no safe parameters that can guarantee the safety of a person if their DNA is interfered with. Alterations of the genes can further trigger harmful physiological reactions that may disrupt the functioning genes. Disruption of the genetic makeup can lead to mutations that can either aggravate the condition that is being rectified or can even be lethal. Another reason is that one cannot say with certainty which genetic traits are beneficial and which ones are harmful. Many genetic conditions are caused by multiple genes which can be defective. In some environments, those g...

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... can be achieved through somatic and germ cell modification. Somatic modification involves changing cells in the body. However, germ cell modification is more sensitive as it involves changing the genetic makeup of the fetus. Despite the medical advantages, genetic modification should not be accepted. The first reason is that it is against human ethics. Babies have no decision on whether their genetic makeup should be altered which is a violation of their human rights. Genetic modification is also against some religions and moral teachings. Some religions teach that God created us in his image and thus, by altering with his creation we also tamper with our identity to him. Human genetic modification will induce human selection which will lead to evolution of humans with given traits, and other traits will be lost with the death of those people who were not selected.

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