Human are Effortless Agaisnt Nature: Stephen Crane

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A true man walks on earth as if he is an element that cannot be isolated from nature and its cycle.“These waves were most wrongfully and barbarously abrupt and tall, and each froth-top was a problem in small-boat navigation”(Crane 389). The last sentence in the first paragraph clearly illuminates the clear relationship between man vs nature. Being stuck aboard a life boat with four men in rough seas, is a clear example that nature is what dominates a this time. It doesn't matter if one is the captain or the other is the cook, they still are limitless against nature’s force. As they fight the harsh conditions of the oceans. “ In the meantime the oiler and the correspondent rowed and also they rowed. They sat together in the same seat, and each rowed an oar”(Crane 391). After many hours of rowing the correspondent comes to realize that nature plays a big rule in terms of their survival.

"When it occurs to a man that nature does not regard him as important,and that she feels she would not maim the universe by disposing of him, he at first wishes to throw bricks at the temple"(Crane 400) . With this sentence, Stephen Crane starts his depiction of humankind as a counter force in nature’s cycle. This meaning that earth does not care at all about human kind and is going to continue through the ages not caring.Nature’s lack of sympathy towards humankind is without doubt a major theme throughout the short story. While he attempts to survive, Crane suggests that although nature deserves to be respected and admired, its disinterest in man is overpowering. The power that nature has over humankind is something nearly impossible to understand; you believe you have conquered and outlived enough but it always ends up defeating you. Well, as Cr...

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...ongest and most determined to survived ended up dying from the same “wave” that made them survive. The correspondent figures out that nature is random and question himself thinking that the reason for survival has some larger meaning. Do we really matter at all?

Life is just like waves. They are unpredictable and always will exist. Nature is something that humans can’t control. Nature doesn't have control over your faith. Throughout the story the ocean’s conditions never changed. The only thing that change along the story was the way each character looked at the ocean. Humans tend tend to rely on faith, and tend to think that they were put in this universe for a reason. But Stephen Crane demonstrates how the universe doesn't evolve around humankind. This meaning that earth does not care at all about humankind and is going to continue through the ages not caring.

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