How to Get More Followers in Social Media Sites

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How to Get More Followers in Social Media Sites

Social media followers are your gateway to killer blog traffic, so make sure they are 100% genuine and are actually interested in what you have to offer. Getting followers from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc is a hard task. To get more social media followers, make sure to do the following:

Enable social sharing to your website
Add buttons to your blog or website that allow visitors to share content on your social media sites. There are plenty of ways to do this like using AddThis for social media buttons, using Tweetmeme to allow you to add RT @YOURUSERNAME to the end of each tweet shared from your site, or a Floating Social Bar to your WordPress blog.

Share quality and engaging content
If you share quality and engaging content on your social media profiles, you are likely to get more followers than just promoting your own blog or service. Share blogs, videos, and images from other sites and tell them why you think it's interesting. A good start is to share infographics. These are images that digest complex information into interesting pieces of information through graphics.

Add to your email signature
Add your business's social media profile and encourage your employees to do that in their business email as well. In this way, every email sent has social media profiles at the bottom which makes it easier for them to follow you than reminding them to do so.

Cross Promote
Add your Twitter to your Facebook and link your other social media sites if possible. You can setup your Twitter post to automatically appear in Facebook, your Instagram photos to appear on Twitter, etc.

Add to CTA on Thank You Emails
Once they've signed up to your mailing list, don...

... middle of paper ... know how to keep them. Leaving too many updates all at once, are called Bursts. If you post updates every minute, your followers will get annoyed; thus, stay away from your profile.

You can also lose followers if you share or post about uninteresting topics or mundane images of your life.

Share positively
Avoid coming as sad, angry, morbid, cynical, aggressive to your social media update. The tone and voice you have makes a difference. Uses are more likely to follow a business with a lot of positive shares, insights, or remarks are more likely to get followers than those who share negatively.

Getting lots of social media followers on all your social media sites can be a difficult task, so let us do this for you. Webygeeks is a search engine marketing services India that offers social media optimization for your website. Click here for free SEO analysis.

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