How to Conduct a Time Study

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How to Conduct a Time Study
The time study is an act used to measure the amount of time an employee takes to perform a process or a series of processes that are required in their daily work routine. Time studies are not to be confused with the study of motion; as they are strictly a numerical measurement of time usually documented in one-hundredths of an hour. There are other methods in use today, in addition to time studies, which help time analyst’s measure work. They are standard data, predetermined time systems, and work samplings; however, these methods will not produce results that are as accurate as those produced by a properly performed time study. Whenever a time analyst performs a time study they should be aware of the importance of performing an accurate and fair assessment. The results of their study can affect many things associated with the wellbeing of the company. The company relies on accurate results in order to determine schedules, develop standard cost, rate machine effectiveness and determine the actual time standard that wage incentives are determined from. The actual employees affected by the time standards should feel as if the time study was performed with a sense of fairness towards them. This will keep the moral of the workers high and benefit the company with increased production. The culmination of an effective performance and implementation of a time study is the old adage stating; “a fair days work for a fair day’s wage”. The following sections will identify key areas to address before, during and after a time study.
Determine the Process and Personnel to Study
Time studies will not be performed unless an authorized figure within the company makes a request for one. Typical figures that ...

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...perform each element better. The operator should also work at a steady pace while observations are being made. They should not try to shorten any element with undocumented shortcuts nor should they prolong any element with false or exaggerated movements. The operator should use the exact work methods prescribed by the company as this will ensure the most accurate and trustworthy times.

Works Cited

Barnes, R. M. (1980). Motion and time study: Design and measurement of work (7th ed.). New York, NY: Wiley.
Hashim, N. D. (2008). Time study implementation in manufacturing industry. Retrieved from
Niebel, B. W., & Freivalds, A. (2014). Niebel's methods, standards, and work design (13th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Thomas, M. (2006, April 1). The gold standard. Industrial Engineer, 35 - 39.

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