How To Be An Effective Team Member

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Teamwork is becoming more important in the work place, because of the leaders and the fact that it allows full participation with all employees. In order to complete several different tasks, managers and supervisors usually perform teams and assign different tasks to complete one major assignment. Team work starts at the top (Smikle, 2009). When supervisors or managers are willing to administer teamwork, they are enabling the employees to follow. Managers or supervisors set good examples when they delegate tasks, but more importantly express to the employees how teamwork is productive. Employees work by example, more so now than by demands. Being an effective team member, there are several suggestions one must follow:  Know your role and the team’s goals. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and what you can contribute to the team.  Be a willing team player. At times you may be asked to perform tasks that you dislike or with which you disagree. Realize how performing these assignments will contribute to the group and the supervisor or manager.  Cooperate with team members. Using open communication and solid human relations skills enhances.  Support other team members by giving them encouragement and assisting them with their tasks.  When conflict occurs, attempt to turn it into a positive experience. Teams are a major source of companies in these coming years. Teams are Heroes (Collins, 2009-08-27). Everyone wants to be a hero, therefore we need to build, follow, and be effective team members and effective team leaders. Organizations use teamwork because it increases productivity. This concept was used in corporations as early as the 1920s, but it has become increasingly important in recent years as employ... ... middle of paper ... ...thletic director “will also have to make explanations, educate, do public speaking, and inform others via the written form”. (Hoch, 2007) To emphasize the importance of written communication in a paper by Griffin and Kaleba college graduates were ranked as being below par in written communication by more than a quarter of employers. (Griffin & Kaleba, 2006). To give a specific example Bank of America seeks employees who have both written and spoken skills in communication. (Wilson, 2006) In conclusion this paper has looked at some of the work ethics important for success in the workplace. The paper explicitly looked at teamwork and communication. These two work ethics along with the other eight work ethics of attendance, appearance, attitude, character, cooperation, organization, productivity, and respect should play an important part in one’s working career.

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