How Technology Has Impacted Criminal Investigation

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How Technology has Impacted Criminal Investigation?

Today, technology has affected our global surroundings in a number of ways. Technology has created a more advanced society and economy. We use technology in every aspect of life today. New innovations and technology helps create a safer atmosphere and reduces the rate of crime. Technology is the usage and knowledge of techniques or is systems of these things. Usage of technology in the criminal justice system is not new but more apparent today. Technology in criminal justice will continue to challenge us to think about how we turn information into knowledge. Due to new technology, criminal investigations are able to maintain and improve their processes. Forensic science, DNA, other and future technology has all had a tremendous impact on criminal investigation and its process.

“The word ‘forensics’ means “connected with the courtroom”; so forensic science is, therefore, concerned with gathering hard evidence that can be presented in a trial” (Innes 9). Forensic science is a science that is applied specifically to legal matters, whether criminal or civil. “Few areas in the realm of science are as widespread and important as forensic science” (Hunter 12). Forensics is the one science that is most commonly used in everyday life. It is also a branch of science that incorporates other branches of science such as biology, chemistry, and etc. Since it is used almost every day “No one can dispute the importance of the contributions to society made by forensic science; the ability to solve crime is undeniably important” (Hunter 13). Forensic science has given criminal investigation a new edge. “Advances in science have opened the door for more effective evidence discovery, howev...

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... more helping in solving a crime because more hairs are shed during physical contact (Mufrin). This would cause for a more accurate analysis that the use of urine. Hairs that come from the root of your head are more useful than those that are not. This is because they provide the scientists with more to identify the suspect with (Murfin). However, a down side to hair analysis is that a scientist has to collect at least 25 hairs to correctly identify a person (Murfin). One of the newer future technologies are sweat patches. Sweat patches contain an imbedded microchip that detects the presence of drugs in the body as you sweat. It can be placed on the skin and worn up to 14 days (“Drug Testing Technologies: Sweat Patch”). Most of the people that wear sweat patches are those on probation or those in a custody battle (“Drug Testing Technologies: Sweat Patch”).

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