How Genetic Engineering will Affect the Human Race in Gattaca

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If you could change things about yourself whether physical or mental, what would you change, and why? In the movie Gattaca, a science fiction film directed by Andrew Niccol, characters are genetically modified before birth to avoid all and any imperfections that could occur in their lifetime. This movie stars Ethan Hawke and Jude Law as the main characters Vincent Freeman and Eugene Morrow. Supporting roles are played by Uma Thurman and Loren Dean as Irene Cassini and Anton Freeman. Gattaca gives us a futuristic idea of how genetic engineering will affect the human race and discriminate those of less genetic superiority. Eugene Morrow, a member of the elite who has been genetically engineered, donates his DNA to join to become a borrowed ladder with main character Vincent. Eugene is a perfect example of genetically engineered child in the representation of his attitude as well as the way he acts. Though Gattaca may not specifically state whether genetic engineering is safe for reality, the understanding of what genetic engineering is and evaluating whether genetic engineering affects traits and personality is crucial to the understanding of this movie.
Biologically, genetic engineering is understood as the “process of making changes in the DNA code of living organisms” (Miller 1094). The process beings with scientists identifying the DNA sequence. The next step of this process would be to use enzymes to cut the gene at specific points. A(n) enzyme is a protein that acts as a biological stimulus, and in this case is used to control the chemical reactions. The third step of this process is copying the gene which can also be called transcription. Next up will be the creation of the gene package by adding other DNA to both ends of t...

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...attaca 1987). This bugs him because someone who was less capable than him genetically had just out performed him. This comes to show that genetics can very well affect a person’s self esteem as well.
Though Gattaca may not specifically state whether genetic engineering is safe for reality, the understanding of what genetic engineering is and evaluating whether genetic engineering affects traits and personality is crucial to the understanding of this movie. After using sources from multiple scientists and people saying that genetic engineering has it’s pro’s and con’s it is very difficult to make a decision. In modern society it is difficult enough being judged and discriminated, but than to be discriminated by a genetic code is taking science to the next level. In a futuristic environment like Gattaca, and you were in the place of Vincent, would you risk your life?

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