How Can CTE Benefit Disabled Students and What Best That Role?

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How Can CTE Benefit Disabled Students and What Best That Role? The university-statehouse-industrial complex has grown such that the traditional models of primary and secondary education have survived two or three decades beyond their practical use. With a public school system that segregates and discriminates based on, “college material or not?” (Brolin & Loyd, 1989) and a university system that places only one in five graduates in work in their field of major (cite), our educational system has passed its prime and is still training and educating for 20th century job markets that no longer exist. The way that we educate and what we educate for and why needs rethinking from the top down and needs to be more practical and pragmatic. Career and technical education (CTE) consisting of specialized, targeted, and focused vocational programs at all levels do more than just prepare a student for a real job – these programs have practical education and socialization value that conventional classrooms centered around a teacher’s monologue for many do not. Nowhere is the added value of such targeted programs more useful and valuable than in special classes, courses, and CTE training aimed at students with disabilities. With a wealth of literature touting the benefits of CTE and some progressive schools and school districts already with successful programs with proven track records, it is not the knowledge that the rest of us lack but the will and the attitude. This paper seeks to make the case for the rapid expansion and implementation of CTE programs for students with disabilities in schools and school districts across Western Florida. As well, by exploring existing programs and courses of study, this research will outline best practices,... ... middle of paper ... ... Business Media B.V.), 13(4), 63-70. Casale-Giannola, D. (2011). Inclusion in CTE-what works and what needs fixin'. Tech Directions, 70(10), 21-23. Dillon, P., & Grammer, E. (2001). Success stories of students with disabilities noted in new book. Science, 294(5543), 879. Heinle, K. M. (2008). Buffalo's approach to CTE programming for students with disabilities. Techniques, 83(4), 20-23. Keffeler, C. C. (2008). Helping students with special needs succeed. Techniques, 83(2), 6. Monahan, M. P. (2003). Social skills and problem behavior assessment of general and special education career and technical education students. Journal For Vocational Special Needs Education, 25(2-3), 3-10. Ofoegbu, N. E., & Azarmsa, R. (2010). Impact of the special education vocational education program (VEP) on student career success. International Journal Of Special Education, 25(2), 34-46.

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