Hormonal Control of Metamorphosis in Anurans

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Prometamorphosis is characterized by the continued growth, especially of the limbs, and initiation of minor metabolic changes these events is brought about by the developing Thyroid gland, and the sensitivity these tissues have to the Thryroid hormones being secreted.
In Prometamorphic development there is the onset of metamorphic changes, as the concentrations of the hormones involved in metamorphosis significantly change in comparison to the preceding premetamorphic stage, within the Prometamorphosis stage the concentrations of these hormones differ within the sub-stages of this stages. Early Prometamorphosis and Late Prometamorphosis are the names given to the sub-stages within Prometamorphosis.
Metamorphosis within anurans is initiated chemically by the (descriptive word) decline of prolactin, as mentioned previously the antagonistic action of prolactin on the Thyroid Secretory Hormone (TSH) and also that TSH influences the secretion the Thyroid Hormones, Triiodothyronine (T3) Thyroxine (T4), which are responsible for the metamorphic changes.
In Early Prometamorphosis, the conce...

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