Honorable Actions Make a True Hero

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“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves” (I.ii.147-148). Julius Caesar, is a tragedy about an honorable hero in the attendance of Julius Caesar. William Shakespeare, in his play, Julius Caesar, used vicious villains and egotistical heroes in order to prove how honorable actions make a true hero. Brutus murdered Caesar for the good of Rome. Although he killed Caesar, he did not do it for himself, but for the entire society of Rome. Mark Antony, an enemy to Brutus, also thought that he was a hero. “This was the noblest Roman of them all / All the conspirators save only he / Did that they did in envy of Caesar / He only in a general honest thought” (V.v.74-77). Antony is saying that all the other conspirators killed Caesar because they despised Caesar. He was able to declare the truth regarding Brutus. Brutus, actuality loved Caesar, so he could not have done it for himself. Caesar and Brutus were extraordinary friends that would do what was best for each other. “Et, tu, Brute – then fall Caesar” (III.i.85). Caesar says this in astonishment of Brutus stabbing...

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