Homeopathic Remedies And Allopathic Medicines

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The Balancing Act: Homeopathic Remedies and Allopathic Medicine

Modern medicine has eradicated diseases such as smallpox, polio, and malaria in many parts of the world, preventing many deaths. Yet, with many emerging alternative practices, the American society is slowly becoming more reliant on alternative medicines with little scientific evidence. However, one alternative practice, homeopathy, is slowly becoming accepted by many physicians. Now that homeopathy is sanctioned by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), many physicians and scientists believe that this practice is as effective as allopathic medicine. Even with the acceptance by the FDA, there are still low amounts of prescription medicine based on homeopathy and many homeopathic remedies are not used in hospitals. This creates a question: If many physicians suggest the use of homeopathic medicines, does that actually mean it works; can they be equivalently compared to allopathic medicines? Although homeopathic medicines are considered as alternative medicines, approval by the Federal Drug Administration allows homeopathic medicine to be used in equivalence to over-the-counter allopathic medicine.

Chiefly, allopathic medicine refers to the practice of conventional medicine that uses health care practices in order to restore health by preventing and treating illnesses. However, the name of allopathic medicine derives from a different origin than conventional medicine. Allopathic medicine and allopathy are both terms first developed by Samuel Hahnemann for use as synonyms for conventional medicine. This was a result of Hahnemann becoming infuriated by mainstream medicine at that time; for example, blood leeching and bloodletting, which often caused infections that led...

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... placebo” . In response to this claim by Egger, Rutten claims that no one knows what the exact mechanism is for homeopathy and that many studies have shown homeopathy to be effective to treat upper- respiratory issues (Rutten). This argument exemplifies issues that are caused by alternative medicines that compete with conventional medicines.

The aggregate of homeopathy and allopathy is certainly of a delineated world. There is a constant balancing act between the two subjects; the weight of evidence is always balancing the scales of time. Through real studies and pure evidence, humans will see if homeopathic medicine is indeed effective and practical to be used in more advanced illnesses. As evidence shows, homeopathic remedies do not meet the standards to be used actively as prescription medicine; they meet the standards to be used as over-the-counter drugs.

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