History of Prague: Travel and Tourism Guide of Prague

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History of Prague

Although historians aren't certain exactly when Prague was founded, the city as we know it today is speculated to have begun in the 8th century AD, founded by the Czech dutchess Libusa and her husband, Premysl. By 800 AD, construction of a main fort around Prague had been completed, and by 885, the first stones of Prague castle were laid down. This area later became the seat of Czech government, hosting dukes and kings alike. The city was also an important trade center, with merchants from all of Europe settling inside its walls.

The 14th century was one of the best times for Prague, with Charles IV serving as the king of Bohemia (the Czech Republic) from 1346-1378. Charles empowered the city, taking it from a moderate-sized trading hub to the capital of Bohemia and the third-largest city in Europe. He even redesigned the city, ordering bridges repaired and a new part of town added to the old. In 1357, he founded Charles University - still the oldest college in Central Europe. During this time, trade in Prague boomed even more than it had before. Craftsmen of many nationalities, though mainly German and Italian, rushed to secure a spot on Prague's busy streets.

In 1360, a famine struck, and the Hunger Wall was built. Charles IV ordered its construction as a means of employment to the poor, and today it serves as a fortification wall south of Mala Strana.

Charles died in 1378 and his son, Wencelaus IV, assumed the throne. A short ten years later, the Prague clergy turned against Jews, claiming that they had "desecrated the host" and must be put to death. For the next thirteen years, Jews were persecuted, killed, and maimed. By the time Jan Hus gained power, in 1402, nearly the entire Jewish population of Prag...

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...f Prague's best opera singers. She was a soprano, and had a career in both Europe and America. Initially, Destinn wanted to become a violinist, but upon listening to her voice as she sung, decided to pursue a career in opera.

Additional Information

Prague's motto is "Prague, Head of the Kingdom"

Prague Zoo is considered one of the world's best zoos.

Prague is also famous for its Czechen beers. At the city's annual beer festival, over 70 brands of beer can be tasted.

There are twelve universities in Prague, including many arts academies.

In 2008, there were 13,000 researchers working in and around the Czech Academies of Sciences.

Works Cited

"Praguewelcome – The Official Travel and Tourism Guide of Prague." Praguewelcome.cz. Prague Welcome 2014, 2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

"Prague." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

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