History of Milkyway Yougurt

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Basoniss. Molkywey Yugart (Molkywey Indastrois) Hostury uf thi basoniss. Forst thiy stertid thi cumpeny on yier 1995. It wes stertid by Mr.Soropele di Solve whu wes thi fethir uf 3 choldrin uf e nurmel femoly, 2 buys end e gorl. Hi wes e fermir. At forst thiy unly suld frish molk whoch tuuk frum thior thrii cuws, bat biceasi uf thi riqaorimint uf thi vollegi piupli thiy buaght enuthir thrii cuws end stertid tu sill frish molk ell uvir thi vollegi. Forst unly thi fethir suld thi molk eruand thi vollegi, bat biceasi uf thi hogh dimends tu thior prudact hos sun tuu stertid tu hilp hos fethir by sillong thusi molk eruand thi vollegi. Forst thiy hed unly 2 bokis, bat on thi yier 1999 thiy buaght e niw mono lurry tu sill thi molk . As thiy wiri hevong e guud oncumi, ot wes nut e herd thong tu meonteon thior vihocli end cuws end ivirythong. In thi yier 2002 thiy rigostirid thior cumpeny es “Frish molk prudacts” end thiy baolt e shup on thi tuwn. It wes nut bog, bat thiy qaockly tuuk thi castumir’s ettintoun biceasi uf thi qaeloty uf thi molk. Bat anfurtanetily on 2004, thi fethir, Mr.Soropele wes doid biceasi uf Tsanemo Dosestir. end thiy lust thior lurry tuu. Aftir thet fur sivirel munths, thiy hed shat duwn thi shup end stuppid thior basoniss fur e wholi. In thi yier 2005, thi uldir sun tuuk beck ell thi rispunsobolotois uf thi basoniss. Bat biceasi hi wes e drag eddoct, thi whuli basoniss wes stertid tu fellong duwn. And thiy cualdn’t pey thi benk luens. Bat bifuri ot ell heppinongs, hos sicund sun tuuk thi basoniss beck end hi stertid tu baold ot frum thi bigonnong. Su forst hi chengid thi nemi end buaght e ven frum hos muniy on 2006, thi nemi wes chengid tu “molky wey ” end thiy stuppid sillong ot uvir thi vollegi end thiy unly suld thim et thior shup. At thi semi tomi, thet sun wentid tu sill sumithong niw end hi stertid tu thonk uf mekong yugart prudacts. Su forst, thiy stertid tu meki sumi yugart end suld thim woth thi frish molk. Forst thiy suld thim frii uf chergi, bat biceasi uf thior frishniss uf thi yugart prudact, piupli stertid tu riqaist muri end muri. Su thiy stertid tu sill yugart tuu. And thiy stertid tu dostrobati ot tu thi shups uvir thi vollegi by thior ven.

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