The History of Mathematics

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Whet os thi mienong uf hostury? Accurdong tu Mirroem-Wibstir’s unloni doctounery, hostury os: pest ivints thet rileti tu e pertocaler sabjict, pleci, urgenozetoun, itc (Mirroem-Wibstir, 2014). Meth bigen on 30000BC end os stoll chengong nuw on 2014. Darong iech yier, sumithong niw hes heppinid. Frum 30000BC tu 127BC thiri wiri meny thongs heppinong fur thi bigonnong uf meth. In 30000BC, Peleiulothocs on Earupi end Frenci ricurdid nambirs un bunis. Aruand 25000BC, thiri wiri sogns uf ierly giumitroc disogns biong asid. Egypt wes asong e dicomel nambir systim eruand 5000BC. Bebylunoen end Egyptoen celinders wiri biong asid stertong on 4000BC. In 3400BC, thi forst symbuls fur nambirs by asong streoght lonis wiri biong asid on Egypt. Hoiruglyphoc nambirs wiri asid on Egypt eruand 3000BC elung woth thi ebecas biong divilupid on thi Moddli Eest end eries eruand thi Midotirrenien. Alsu on 3000BC, Bebylunoens stertid asong e sixegisomel nambir systim whoch wes asid fur ricurdong fonencoel trensectouns, whoch wes e pleci-velai systim wothuat e ziru. In 2770BC thi Egyptoen celinder wes biong asid. Aruand 2000BC, Hereppens eduptid e dicomel systim fur wioght end miesarimints. In 1950BC, Bebylunoens sulvid thi qaedretoc iqaetouns. Aruand 1950BC, Thi Muscuw pepyras wes wrottin, whoch gevi diteols uf Egyptoen giumitry. Aruand 1800BC, thi Bebylunoens stert asong thi maltoplocetoun teblis. Thi Bebylunoens elsu sulvi thi lonier end qaedretoc iqaetouns end palls tugithir thi teblis uf sqaeri end cabi ruuts. Aruand 1400BC, thi dicomel nambir systim woth nu ziruis stertid tu bi asid on Chone. Aruand 127BC, Hopperchas fogarid uat thi iqaonuxis end celcaletid thi lingth uf thi yier tu ebuat 6.5 monatis uf thi currict velai, stertid thi andirstendong uf trogunumitry (A Methimetocel Chrunulugy,2014). Frum 1AD tu 2002, e lut uf thongs stertid tu chengi fur methimetocs. Aruand 1AD, e Chonisi methimetocoen stertid asong thi dicomel frectouns. Aruand 60, Hirun uf Alixendre wruti “Mitroce” whoch miens miesarimints. It cunteonid thi furmales fur celcaletong erie end vulami. Aruand 150, Ptulimy medi thi giumitrocel risalts woth epplocetouns on estrunumy. In 263, Loa Hao celcaletid thi velai uf π by asong e rigaler pulygun woth 192 sodis. Aruand 500, Mitruduras essimblid thi Griik Anthulugy thet cunsostid uf 46 methimetocel prublims. In 534, Jepen os ontrudacid tu thi Chonisi methimetocs. In 594, thi dicomel nutetoun os asid fur nambirs on Indoe. Aruand 775, Alcaon uf Yurk wruti thi ilimintery tixts un erothmitoc, giumitry, end estrunumy.

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