The History of Marijuana

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Numerous studies have evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of Medical Marijuana. In this paper, we will examine the history and beginnings of this drug and how it has affected society. Many laws and policies have been created to restrict the use of this drug, but the goal of this paper is to show it can also positively affect ill patients. Cannabis, the proper name of this hemp plant, contains cannabinoids like THC. Cannabis has had many positive physiological and psychological effects on the body. This drug also helps in curing and aiding headaches/migraines and decreases the possibility of seizures. It has played a major role in helping individuals with certain disorders such as Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Cannabis has also shown to slow down tumor growth in the lungs, breasts, and brain considerably. It is a non-lethal way of providing medication for various illnesses, “ Because cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, lethal overdoes from Cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur”. (Association for Cancer Research .2013).

How did it come to be seen as a problem? (use the details from the second literature review here!)

Fibers of Medical Cannabis can be traced as far back as 4000 BCE. In 2737 while under the ruling of Emperor Shen-Nung consumption of marijuana was recommended for ailments such as female problems, malaria, gout, rheumatism, and absentmindedness. The practice for this drug extended from china to India and then to North Africa. In India this drug was thought as a divine substance that gave elongated life and visions of god. This drug had many uses such as a relief for dandruff, leprosy, sexually transmitted ...

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...n mental and physical health. It outweighs the benefits and clarifies that according to the opinion of these writers that the negative data is higher than the benefits. Covering the legalization of cannabis and the legal prohibitions against it, including its history. This article broke down the different ways medical cannabinoids are used such as: Smoking, pill form, Nabilone (synthetic cannabinoid), Sativex (liquid extract from cannabis plant) and Dronabinol (synthetic THC).

Physical adverse effects were indicated from smoking cannabinoids such as respiratory problems, liver damage, an increase in mortality of HIV positive patients, and damage to heart rate. Mental health effects were indicated as mental slowness, tiredness, euphoria, relaxation, and impaired focus. Meta-analyses supported the thought of increased risk of developing Schizophrenia.

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