The Historical Significance of Salt as Presented in the Book, Salt: A World History

651 Words2 Pages

Since the early history of man, salt has always been nearby. Salt: A World History, written by Mark Kurlansky, is describing the importance and the effects on history that salt has had over the thousands of years of human history.

Salt: A World History begins with a simple introduction, which explains what content will be included in the book. Topics range from salt in the past,—Greece, Rome, Egypt, France, Germany, Poland, and Israel—to recipes and instructions on making certain foods, and to the etymology of words such as salary and salami: both which are stems of the word ‘salt.’

The book is divided into three sections, by specific periods of time. In the first section, Ancient China, Egypt, and Rome are the focus, while in the second, countries such as Sweden, Norway, France, Germany, America, and Israel. Finally, the third and last section is about salt in modern times, after 1800 or so. There are also acknowledgements, a bibliography, and an index.

The book has been presented in a way, such that it can be perceived as it is an informational book. The chapters are filled w...

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