Historical Cost Method And Fair Value Model In Accounting

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Since historical cost method is the dominant method used in my undergraduate accounting classes, I am not as familiar to fair value model as to historical cost. As far as I know, both historical cost method and fair value model have its merits and demerits, and users of financial reports hold different purposes. Thus, debates on using fair value accounting or historical cost method have lasted over a long time, and it seems like it is not possible to end. Historical cost method is criticized for being too conservative and failing in estimating current values of assets and liabilities, but it is more reliable in terms of finding supporting documents, such as contracts and receipt, to verify the amount and record time. On the other …show more content…

While accountants, who are usually trained to be more conservative in accounting for assets and liabilities, would like to make more reliable recognition (in my opinion, would prefer historical cost method), corporate management and investors may want more relevant information in order to make strategic or investment decision. Due to the conflicts of different parties’ needs, the choice between two accounting models may continue. Still, in addition to the choice of accounting model, the issue of information overload is getting more attention than before. Besides reliability and relevance of financial information, selection of information and the way to present it for users also matters since these factors affect the users’ ability to effectively utilize the …show more content…

That is, the accounting model requires the gains and losses to be recognized at that year. During financial crisis, many financial instruments suffered decreasing in fair value, resulting plenty of losses appeared in the income statement. The recognition of losses may lead investors to overreact, make the circumstances even worse, and then lead to the crisis. Yet, even if recognition of losses in fair value changes may reinforce investors’ overreaction during poor economic situation, fair value accounting is merely one of the accounting tools for entities to report their operation strategies, implementation and outcomes. I do not think it is fair to blame the method for the crisis. In fact, in my opinion, it is the people who involved in inappropriate activities that should be blamed. Banks, businesses and the authority could have had made better supervisions over loans and mortgage based securities transactions so that the crisis may not be so

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