Hindu Myths of the Creation of Life

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The whole idea of creation of life or the beginning of life is far too beyond our intelligence as well as science. I believe there is the existence two different regions- Spiritual and Material. Pure souls who if free from the cycle of birth resides in Spiritual region. While on the other hand materialistic region is for materialistic souls who are still attached to affections of the materialistic region. There is no life or intelligence, no pains and pleasures, no water, air, earth, fire or sun. There is nothing more than just Darkness. There is only one sound that existed in this dark world which was “OM Tat Sat” Om stands for the three dimensional space and the materialistic world. The only sound which vibrated in the whole universe was “OM OM OM” from the pure and scared sound the appearance of The Adi-Purush (Original Being) the Supreme Lord Vishnu came into existence. Lord Vishnu has four hands, he was chakra (Sharp Disc), he also has the power to manipulate energies on cosmic scale and he have resistance to harm. This very first appearance of the Lord into the material realm i...

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