High on Health Group Work Assignment

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Since the formation of group 4 (High on Health), we have established that we would meet every Tuesday at 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the library. There was a mutual agreement that I would book the rooms and email the confirmation Monday or Tuesday nights for a room in Martin Luther Kind Jr Library. On the very first day, we got together in class, and exchanged email addresses and numbers. We wanted to be able to communicate outside the classroom not just in the classroom. On our first meeting, we introduced ourselves and from there, we learn a bit about each other’s cultures. We all come from very different backgrounds, we talked about our culture, and how far along we are in our degrees. We also took the time to get to know each other each during each meeting.

Besides forming, we also focused on storming. As a group we never had conflict because we had very easy going personalities, we wanted to get things done effectively, therefore if there was a conflict we would normally use majority rules. During the first few meeting, we took the time to discuss how we would normally understand, and solve conflicts. Most of our thoughts had similarities, however, we took the time to talk it through and have everyone understand and on the same page. As a group, we knew that we were individuals, and we all have different mindsets as we are in different places in our lives. However, as a group we manage conflict really well.

After forming and storming, we moved our attention to norming. We focused on creating a general guide and rules that we must each follow. We did this, so there would be no conflict and if there were there would be a solution. We wanted to have a simpler group, and one that doesn’t involve arguments and grudges...

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...2). Communication and cohesiveness allows a group to maintain intact, and have everyone participates. I was put in a group of four before, where the group was divided into two because our mini groups were not cohesive. We had conflict, and the other two people did not want to solve, or focus their attention on the bigger issue: that we had to make a meal for 15 people. I can truly say having a cohesive group is a huge lifesaver because I can depend on them to do their parts correctly and effectively. If I compared High on Health and my cook group, I would say that team High on Health works together really well because we all have the same mentality, that if there is an issue, solve it. I want to take this into my future because consistently working in teams means that sometimes we will have issues, but we need to put aside the issues to work together effectively.

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